You are not a creator and that's Okay

This post is written based solely on the author's personal feelings.

I don't want to say that you might feel the same way.

I am a developer with over a decade of experience. I have always tried to be an active member of the community, getting to know other developers. Sometimes, it happened that I was standing in a bar, drinking beer with someone who developed a library used by almost all JavaScript developers. Quite inspiring, isn't it? Over time, I started comparing myself to others. At some point in life, this can be normal. Such feelings can push you to develop and provide additional motivation.

But then there comes a moment when you realize that it's hard for you. It's hard to maintain a certain level of development pace, and then you understand that you don't even have ideas to create something unique. After that, a feeling arises that you are not a good enough engineer, you are not smart enough compared to someone else, and so on...

In reality, this is complete nonsense. You are not those people, you have your own mind, and you need to be able to use it correctly and find your best and strongest sides.

Not everyone can be a creator. Not everyone is capable of coming up with unique things that will help millions of developers. What to do in such a case? Well, I think that if you've read this far, then maybe you've felt something similar in your life. It turns out that you have an interest in doing important things in your career. In this case, you shouldn't get stuck in these thoughts. You need to go and participate in already ready projects, communicate with other engineers, and gain more experience.

Again! Not everyone can be Elon Musk, not everyone can be Satoshi Nakamoto. We are all unique. You need to be able to use this and find your best sides.

I believe in you!

Thoughts on Self-Development and Career Growth

It's worth remembering that success is not necessarily measured by the ability to create something entirely new. Significant achievement can be improving existing solutions, supporting teamwork, or providing valuable assistance to colleagues. Everyone has their unique talents and skills that can be incredibly valuable.

Moreover, it's important not to compare yourself with others. Everyone develops at their own pace, and the fact that someone seems more successful does not mean that your contribution is less valuable. Focus on your own progress and find ways to contribute to the overall cause.

Keep learning, be open to new knowledge, and don't be afraid of mistakes. They are an integral part of the learning and development process. You are on the right path!